While under stress, it can be difficult to put down the outline during finals time or determine when a work task should be pushed until tomorrow. Especially in law school, I struggled to turn off my brain and while I could fall asleep, I woke up after about five hours, unable to fall back asleep. Over time, I developed the following routine to turn off my mind and get the rest I need. While a good bedtime routine can be helpful, getting sleep starts with reminding yourself that you cannot be everything for everyone at all times. You deserve a moment of peace where nothing is being asked of you. As someone who values efficiency, I found it helpful to adjust my perspective and understand rest to be equally productive as working or exercising. No, really think about it! Without sleep, you will not be the best law student or lawyer that you could be. The well-rested will be more efficient and productive. Lying in bed worrying about the next day’s agenda does not cross anything off that list, it is just unnecessary self-torture. Exhaustion leads to hypervigilance, apathy, and/or irritability with coworkers, none of which are beneficial for your long-term success.
1. Herbal Tea: I have never been a huge coffee drinker so my tolerance for caffeine is probably atypically low. Even the caffeine tolerant should avoid the stimulant in the evening before bed. I know for some, drinking coffee after noon will disrupt their sleep. My go to is mint tea. I personally like Tazo Refresh Mint but Sleepytime is another popular brand with a myriad of flavor options. The taste of the beverage as well as its warm temperature, are soothing. When I am working from home, I typically brew my first cup during the last hour or so of the workday. This signals to my brain that we will be slowing down soon. I should note that as a corporate attorney, I typically work until 9pm so my workday is often directly followed by my bedtime routine.
2. Hot Shower: One of my most self-destructive flaws is that I shower twice a day. Yes, that includes shampooing. I know, it is awful for my skin and hair. Although I otherwise look forward to my haircut appointments, I dread the question from my stylist about the frequency with which I shampoo my hair (and the resulting silent judgment). Thankfully, I do condition and moisturize regularly. Anyway, a hot shower has always been therapeutic for me. Like a cup of tea, the warm water is relaxing and I envision it to be cleansing of my troubles. A shower is also a chance to step away from my phone and computer to evacuate the chaos of corporate law from my mind in time for bed.
3. To-do list for tomorrow: You won’t always be able to accomplish every task assigned to you each day. When I am winding down my work for the night, I like to make a list of what I need to get done tomorrow. Seeing the open items on paper gives me a better sense of control and closure for the concluding workday.
4. Read: I have mentioned how much I like to read before. I have several posts about book recommendations, check them out! Reading has always been an enjoyable and calming hobby for me. I can be a bit old school in that I prefer to read paper books instead of electronic ones. As a corporate lawyer, I stare at screens for most of my day. Switching to paper is easier on the eyes and allows for a better escape into the storyline. I also have heard that screens, phones and e-readers alike, disrupt our sleep cycle.